
Meet the Doctor

Dr Dana Schoonmaker

Dr. Dana K. Schoonmaker is a licensed Chiropractor serving the Lake Mary community.

Dr. Schoonmaker uses a "whole person approach". This approach to wellness means looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. 

She customizes your sessions based on your reaction to force, with adjustments made and questions answered during the procedure through open communication. Keeping the activities of all clients in mind, Dr. Schoonmaker makes sure her patients are able to maintain their active lifestyles. Using this unique approach, Dr. Schoonmaker is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health. 

Who is Dr. Dana K. Schoonmaker? 

She was the daughter of an Army Colonel, ran Varsity Track and Cross Country making it to State on the All Academic Athletic Team all 4 years and was offered a scholarship as well as holding the position of Student Trainer for the Wrestling Team. 

dr dana chiro She was nominated and published in Who's Who Among American High School Students along with Competing in her first Bodybuilding competition in 1989. Dr. Dana took her first job in the field of Biomechanics and Rehabilitation in 1994 and in 1998 she graduated from University of Florida with her Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Sports Science. 

She has worked with Professional, High School and College Athletes, Screen Actors, Crew and Stunt Personnel, Hospice, Orthopedics and Neurological Rehab, and Personal Training. 

This exposure to a wide range of ages, abilities and conditions prior to attending Palmer College of Chiropractic provides a wide base of extensive experience and knowledge to incorporate into the functional corrective measures she uses to improve your body’s ability to heal. 

As a Sports Medicine Chiropractor who is frequently asked, "What kind of Running, Jumping, Ah Ha Thing are you doing This Weekend?”, Dr. Dana knows that each of you has a life you want to LIVE not just watch from the sidelines.

It is her Honor and Blessing to Help and Guide you in MAKING that happen.


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Office Hours

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Chiro-Fit 8am - 11am, 12:30pm-2pm, 3:30-6pm


The Animal Cracker 8:00am-2:00pm


Chiro-Fit 6am - 11am, 12:30pm-2pm, 3:30-6pm


The Animal Cracker 2:00pm-8:00pm


Chiro-Fit 8am - 11am, 12:30pm-2pm, 3:30-6pm



